Friday, December 07, 2007

Large Increase in Russian Military HF Traffic

Russia continues to step up its military presence worldwide. Strategic bombers are flying again, and major naval exercises have dramatically increased HF utility transmissions.

Details of the underlying issues are in this UK Telegraph article of December 6.

MT's Milcom Blog is all over this story, and has a frequency list coming in the near future.

Meanwhile, here are a few busy ones (many more on UDXF):

18.1 Navy 75-hz shift teleprinting (Bee mode), parallel transmissions all over the place, including 7657, 8130, 9044, 9346, 11468, 12741, 14411
583.0 Russian Navy, CW
3217.0 Russian military, CW, duplex with 3393
9145.0 Russian Navy, CW
10308.0 Russian Navy, CW
11155.0 Russian Navy, CW

In addition, the air defense "time stamp" broadcasts and even the old Air Force FSK Morse stations are active again.